Sunday, May 30, 2010

Gardening in the larger community

To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee, One clover, and a bee, And revery.
~ Emily Dickinson

Our UU congregation has been working on integrating our space with our values lately and one of our favourite projects has been turning a small patch of grass behind our building into a pollinator garden.
Last week the kids went out with some of our adult members to plant the garden. This week I was filling in for our children's program facilitator and we made concrete stepping stones and garden wish flags with the kids which we will install next week after they have cured and I have sewn the flags.  We also brought 3 of our painted lady butterflies which emerged this morning to set them free in the pollinator garden. The kids are hoping they will stay and make their home here.

Garden wish flags - love this idea
Garden stepping stones tutorial

There are a few other projects I would love to do with the kids, either for the community plot or the UU garden.
Bee and Ladybug houses
Garden flowers
Pollinator Observer kits and cards
a mosaic bird bath

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